1/26/2025 - Potential Makeship Collab! Vote Now!
Interested in buying a limited time plushie of a Roadkill character? Go vote in this poll and tell me who you want to be real! Whoever wins the poll, I'll partner with Makeship to turn into a snuggly plushie!
I really want to make this happen, but I need your help to do that. I know I don't have the largest following, but I think this is something that we can do if you guys are as passionate about this comic as I am.
9/24/2024 - The Future Of Roadkill
Hello! Been a while, huh? This will be in regards to another schedule change, too, funny enough. But this is a big one - and this time, a PERMANENT one, for real this time. Roadkill is a massive passion project of mine - I've been working on it for around 2 years at this point! But lately, I've been feeling burnout - not because I don't love making this comic, but because of my real life situation. The schedule has changed so often because of multiple factors in my life; most notably having a full-time job, my chronic pain, and my mental health. It's simply unreasonable for me to continue on a weekly update schedule or even a bi-weekly one because I can never guarantee that I'll be able to have pages done on time while still having time for other projects and my real life needs. And so, after thinking on it for a little bit, I've ultimately made the decision to completely change how I approach uploading new pages.
Here's the rundown: Instead of a weekly or bi-weekly update schedule where only one page is posted per update, as I've been doing for the past 2 years now, Roadkill will be on a looser, less frequent update schedule, but with multiple pages added per update. The plan is for each update to have around 5 pages added. While this may not speed up the rate the story progresses, it does give me more time to focus on life, and puts less pressure on me to upload consistently. This way, I can spend a couple weeks working on pages, post them, and take a break until I'm ready to post the next update. This will hopefully also mean each update is worth the wait so that you readers have more content instead of waiting each week for miniscule story progression. Ultimately, I think this will not only be a better system for my own sake, but for the readers as well!
The "Latest Page" button on the nav bar will eventually be replaced with a "Latest Update" button, linking to the first page of each update instead of the absolute newest, to prevent accidental spoilers. The chapter index will also have a page index added onto it to better help readers navigate between pages, which is a general improvement rather than being specific to this new system.
I will be taking a break from Roadkill coinciding with this new system to give myself some time to rest and focus on other things. I have no specific schedule in mind for this system (i.e. monthly updates at any specific time) however I do plan to at least try to get out one update per month, if time allows. As always, please be sure to join the Discord server if you'd like to be notified when the next update drops, and especially if you'd like a fun community of other fans to hang out with! I'm very active in there and look forward to chatting with you! Until Roadkill returns, I'll be waiting to meet you! Goodbye for now, Roadkillers!
8/9/2024 - Yet Another Schedule Change
Hello, everyone. This will be a short one - My work schedule is very busy this week, and it's been making me reconsider the schedule Roadkill is one, since I have no way to guarantee that I'll be able to have a page out every Saturday. It's led to a lot of unplanned skips, ultimately making the comic progress a lot slower. I've decided that starting this week, the schedule will be much more flexible - having a new update out once a week instead of on a specific day. I'm aiming to try to get updates out on weekends, but some may end up coming out on weekdays, depending on when new pages are finished. My main goal is to have enough time for both Roadkill and personal work and being able to balance my hobbies with my job, and having a more flexible schedule makes this much easier on me. The next page is fully sketched and is most likely to be posted on Sunday!
7/29/2024 - Merch Store Is Now Open!
After some long debate, I've decided to open a little sticker shop! This is just a general shop for my art and there isn't much on there, but I've added a link to it in the top nav bar for anyone who's interested ;3 As always I would recommend joining the Discord server if you'd like to be notified every time new stickers drop! I'd also like to use this opportunity to remind everyone that Roadkill Chapter 3 begins next week, so stay tuned~!
6/22/2024 - July Hiatus
Hello hello! As you can see, today's oage marks the end of chapter 2, and as with every chapter, I'll be taking a hiatus for the rest of the month to get some rest. I know June has had quite a few hiatuses already due to work and mental health, and I greatly appreciate everyone's patience with me! However I would like to announce that this hiatus will last until the end of July rather than the end up June. I'm doing this for multiple reasons - Firstly, to spend time with my family. Secondly, my birthday is in July. And finally, it's Art Fight season, and I need all the time for art that I can get next month! The first saturday of August will mark the comic's return with chapter 3. I've also been made aware that the website is a bit broken on mobile devices - I'm not sure if this is also a problem in non-Firefox browsers, but if you notice any issues, let me know and I'll see if there's anything I can do to fix it. For now I've put a notice on the front page that the website might not appear properly on mobile devices or other browsers. That's all for now! See you guys in August!
6/18/2024 - Site Layout Overhaul
Well, would ya look at that? The website looks different! I decided I wanted the site to look less basic and be easier to navigate. As of writing this not every page has been updated, but I'm currently adding the new CSS to each one. This will take a while because of the very large amount of pages I need to edit, but it'll all be worth it! Nothing else to mention here, just a quickie today. See you guys this Saturday!
5/25/2024 - Hiatus!
Hello hello. As you might have noticed, last week's update was skipped, and that's because I wasn't feeling well. I didn't announce it because I thought I'd be feeling better by this week, but lately I've been in a bad depressive episode and haven't had much motivation to draw. I'm in a state where I feel like I have to force myself to get up and draw and that's just not healthy! I'll be putting Roadkill on a hiatus until I'm feeling better. I'm not sure how long that will end up being, but I assure you that it won't be long! Maybe a month at the very most, which might seem like a long time, but I'd rather wait long periods of time between uploads to make sure my mental health is in check and I'm delivering the highest quality possible in my art than to pump out an update every week even though I'm really not feeling it. I'll post another blog post when I'm ready to take Roadkill off hiatus. Super sorry about this, but I'll be okay, and so will you, ya impatient little worms. Take care!
4/27/24 - Some Updates
Good morning! I've got a few different things to note today about changes to the website and future plans so let's get to it.
You might have noticed a few minor changes to the website! I decided to go in and clean up this site as well as my personal site a little bit, make things nicer and a bit more organized. Eventually I'll go in and replace the glitter text on all the pages to some hand-drawn graphics, but we'll get there when we get there; I've basically put most of my art on halt while working on an art zine so that'll come in a few weeks. A few other notable changes are the return of the art gallery (which I've completely overhauled and it'll only have newer art in it), the "about the author" page now links to my personal site, and I've removed the mini comics page. I decided that I didn't actually like making the minis that much. It's a cute idea, but I'd much rather focus on the main story instead of slice-of-life side stories. They serve nothing to the main plot, the stories weren't that interesting or funny or fun to come up with, and I just never really liked the outcome of them. Don't worry though- The page with all the minis still exists, the front page just doesn't link to them anymore. I'll be putting them somewhere for an archive soon, there just won't be more in the future!
Another thing is I've been thinking of ways to make money off of Roadkill. This is a free webcomic made out of passion so obviously money isn't and never was the main goal! But I want to be able to somewhat support myself off of the art I make, even if I'm making barely anything at all. One option is obviously merch, and I recently got a printer and plan to get a new laptop today so something like stickers or pinback buttons could very well be an option! Another idea I've had is user-submitted ads. Yeah, boooooo, we all hate ads, so I've been very carefully thinking that one over before I actually implement them. I ran a poll in the Discord server and most people voted that they would be okay with ads, but only a few people voted so I haven't set anything in stone yet. Worry not because the ads would NOT be targeted ads from big companies. Ain't no way I'm letting myself become a shill for McGenocide. The ads would be paid for and submitted by people who visit the website and would only appear at the bottom of each page, not disturbing the main content. This is similar to how sites like Derpibooru and FurAffinity run user-submitted ads for things like commissions, indie games, small businesses, social media platforms, etc and I think it'd be a neat way to make some extra money while still providing a benefit to you guys by promoting your stuff! But again, nothing is set in stone and the same can be said for merch. (Honestly, selling stuff online is something I'm still figuring out right now, lol.) If I decide on either of these I'll make another blog about it.
That's all the updates for now! I'll be back later today with the new page!
4/19/24 - Physical Copies Off Sale
Hello everyone, I've decided to take the physical copies of Roadkill off sale due to a lack of interest. Nobody has bought one - And frankly, if I were to ever sell them again, I'd want to take a different approach! The print was very low quality (not the company's fault), I'm not a major fan of print-on-demand services, and I would love to be able to sell copies directly in limited amounts, sort of like a zine, which I've been interested in making zines for a while anyways! There'd be a lot of things that go into me making physical copies the best quality they can be. The plan is that when I eventually sell physical copies again (if interest is high enough) I would like to sell them as a bundle with some stickers, but we'll get there when we get there!
3/30/24 - FurAffinity Ad
Hello hello! Just a quick blog this time, but I recently put out an ad on FurAffinity for Roadkill! While the ad is limited to only show for users with the mature content filter turned on, likely due to the more mature themes of this comic, I'm still excited to see where this goes. If you use FurAffinity and stumble across the ad, let me know! And if you're here FROM FurAffinity, welcome aboard! Feel free to join the Discord server or pick up a physical copy if you'd like. That's all for now! The next page will be posted later today!
2/28/24 - Physical copies are HERE!
Good morning! Guess what? Physical copies of Roadkill's prologue are officially available for purchase on my book store! If you're at all interested in buying yourself a copy, check it out - Once again, physical copies are $13.00 USD. I'm super excited to have these printing after over a year of wanting to do something like this! Enjoy!
2/27/24 - BIG Announcements!
Hello! I know it's a little late right now, but I have some big announcements that I'm suoer excited to share with you all, so strap in!
1. I'm going to be going back to a weekly update schedule, every Saturday, instead of bi-weekly. My IRL work schedule proved to be reasonable with a weekly update schedule. While i'll probably never be able to go back to the twice weekly schedule, but a weekly schedule will still mean I can get pages out much quicker. Admittedly, the bi-weekly schedule made me start becoming detached from the comic, despite how absolutely passionate I am about making it. Paired with the few skipped updates due to IRL stuff and the global strike, pages have barely come out lately, and I want to change that for the sake of both me and the audience!
2. A new mini comic will be out soon! I don't have an exact date or even an estimate for when it'll be out, but it will definitely be some time in the very near future. It's one I've been working on for a while that I had to set aside when I moved and haven't picked back up until now. It's a bit longer than the others so it might take a while to complete but I think you guys will like it!
3. And finally... the biggest announcement... PHYSICAL COPIES WILL BE UP FOR SALE SOON! If you're in the Discord server you may already have been aware that I've had physical copies in the works. And if you're not- surprise!!! A physical book of the prologue will be available for purchase very, very soon! Another blog post will be made the moment it's available. The book will be $13 USD and features brand new cover art and a bonus illustration on the first page. It will be available as the first ever product posted on my book store maniczombiebooks.neocities.org/! Stay tuned and get hyped!
That's all for now. Take care!
2/23/24 - Something To Note.
Hi. First things first, to get it out of the way, yes, there's an issue with page 1 where it won't display the image. I think the link broke while I was trying to remove the cover art. But hey, why did I want to remove the cover art in the first place? And why has every instance of my real name online been replaced with the alias Viscera Zombie? To keep it short because it's personal, I'm removing every instance of my real name and face on the internet that I can find for my own privacy and safety. The only thing that will change from here on out is what I want to be called online. Please, especially on other websites, if you know my real name, don't use it. Call me Viscera instead. I'll be reworking the gallery soon to remove my real name from the artwork. I'm also doing this on my Instagram, possibly on my Newgrounds too. For now, the link to the gallery page will be taken off of the home page. Please also don't ask me for more details. Thank you.
2/17/24 - No Update Next Week
Hello, if you've been following this comic for a while, you may notice that I don't usually announce when an update is skipped outside of my discord server, and the reason for that is that I don't usually plan for this, it usually happens due to my chronic pain or mental health problems, both causing me to need a break. This time is different though as I've been planning this for days. Starting tomorrow (Feb. 18th) until the 25th, there will be a global strike for Palestine. In solidarity with the Palestinian people facing Isreali genocide I will not be posting the next page next week. Updates will continue as normal the following Saturday. I'm also going silent on all my social media, outside of information on the situation Palestine.
If you're able to, here are some places you can donate to help the people in Gaza during and after the strike:
The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
Various GoFundMe links to help families evacuate Gaza
That is all I have to say for now. Free Palestine.
2/9/24 - A Weird Little life Update
I'll just cut to the chase here - my laptop broke. Thankfully, I got a new tablet today, so I can post the next update on time! I gotta say that HTML is a bit weird on a touch screen, I'm so used to coding with a physical keyboard, but at least I CAN code on this thing. The next update will be posted some time tomorrow so stay tuned!
1/28/24 - Website Updates + A Fun Thing For Everyone!
Hi hi! As ya might have noticed since you're here (or maybe not, who knows), I made some small adjustments to the website. This really just came down to the placement of the hyperlinks on the front page, I think it looks a little bit nicer. I also updated the personality descriptions for the characters to be a bit more accurate! That's it for the website, but I also want to share something kinda fun I did, I made a personality quiz! It's just a fun silly thing, not meant to be taken seriously at all, the questions are all pretty goofy. I'll be putting this in the 'links' section of the website for anyone who wants to check it out! But I mean, obviously I'm linking it on this blog post too. It's just there so people can find it later :) That's it for now! Seeya!
12/28/23 - Post Schedule Change
Hello hello roadkillers! It's 8:00 PM as I right this so apologies for the late blog post. I finally decided a decent update schedule that works for my work schedule, so I'm making this as a quick announcement - From now on, updates will be posted bi-weekly on Saturdays. I know that this unfortunately means updates will be WAY less frequent than they used to be, and I'm sad about that too since I seriously love making Roadkill, but this is the best schedule for me and I hope you all understand! The comic will stay on hiatus until after new years and I should be able to pick it back up on the 6th. Thank you all for your patience :3
12/23/23 - Holiday Updates
Been a while since a new blog post, huh? Happy holidays! I have some important news regarding Roadkill during this time: Since Monday is Christmas, I decided that I will NOT be posting an update then. I'll also be keeping it on hiatus until after New Years. Not only so I can step away and spend some time with my family, but I'm starting a new job soon that might very well require me to work Mondays and Fridays, so I need the time to think about what I'll need to do to get updates out on time when I do. Chances are that I might have to go back to a once weekly update schedule or even a bi-weekly one to give me time to make pages and also focus on work, personal art, my other hobbies, and real life stuff. While I'm sure that's disappointing to hear I hope y'all can understand that whatever I go with will ultimately be for the best! Nothing is set in stone yet but I'll hopefully have it all figured out soon enough. I DO have a mini comic sketched out that I'll have finished and posted some time after Christmas, so you can at least look forward to that while the main comic's not being worked on :3 Hope all of y'all have a wonderful holiday season! And if you don't celebrate anything, then I still hope your day is great! ok byeeeeee
11/25/23 - Contest Winners!!!!
Welp, it's that time. Time to reveal the winners for the contest! Everyone has already been contacted and their prizes will be finished and dished out next week. I wanna thank every single person who entered - I loved every single entry and I'm so happy that you guys participated! Now let's get into it.
Third place goes to _vialstars on Instagram! I love the dark colors and glitch effects. The changed posing for Controller and Tamagotchi make this redraw of the cover art feel very tense, which I adore! Picking third place was really hard with all the great entries, but I think this piece is very deserving of a top spot. Congrats.

Second place goes to leechtism on Twitter! The art style is adorable, the monochrome color palette evokes the original comic's art style while still feeling unique, the halftone texture feels like other comics of the 90's, and this is one of the few entries to redraw an entire page - Something I think is extremely impressive!!! I love absolutely everything about this piece and I'm happy to put it in the top 3!

Finally, the first place spot goes to oddities_unknown on Instagram! This piece is absolutely AMAZING. Everyone in my server loved it and I'm pleased to say I'm one of them! The colors are vibrant and fun. The composition is incredible. The art style is gothic and cool. There's so many little details that you might not catch all of them immediately. This drawing is something I would absolutely kill to have as a t-shirt design, and I think it's VERY worthy of first place.

Congratulations to all of the winners! You can view the rest of the submissions (excluding those who did not provide proper credits or requested not to be added) on a dedicated Toyhouse page! Thanks again to everyone who entered. The prizes will be finished and given out before Roadkill returns on December 1st!
11/22/23 - Contest End + More
The DTIYS contest is officially over! The winners will be announced soon. Also, some small changes will be made to the website today. Just a heads up! That's all :)
11/13/23 - Donation Link
Hi guys! I really don't like begging for money at all but my family's in a bit of a financial rut right now. So, I put a link to my ko-fi in the 'links' section of the website! If you're a fan of the comic and want to support me, you can drop a few bucks to me there. It'd seriously mean the world. No pressure, of course, but it's there if you're interested - The money helps not just me, but my whole family to be able to support ourselves, and gives us just a little extra boost outside of our normal jobs. If you choose to donate, thanks in advance, and if you don't, that's totally okay, keep enjoying the comic :)
11/2/2023 - Gallery Update
Good afternoon :D Today I updated the art gallery a bit. A while ago I added some more art to it, including some older stuff that I couldn't add before cuz of some weird technical issue or something? But today I added another section to the gallery dedicated to official human designs of the characters!! For now there's only two, Controller and Glowy, but the rest will be added shortly. I'm taking a short break from art for now, afterwards I'll get right back to making the human designs, I'll also get back to work on the mini comics after that ;3
10/27/2023 - Chapter End Hiatus + Contest Extension
Heyyyy! So as you can probably tell, chapter 1 has finally come to a close! Just like with the prologue, I'm going to take a hiatus from making any future pages until the end of November, to give myself time to rest and regain motivation. (Of course I love working on this comic! But god, I need a break after working on it twice a week, every week, for months at a time!) That being said, I've gotten barely any entries to the DTIYS contest - So I'm extending it to the end of November as well, ending on November 20th at 4:30 PM CST! Mini comics may come out occasionally during the hiatus but the main comic will be on hold for a while, so stay tuned :)
10/19/2023 - Art Contest
Good morning Roadkillers! Imagine I'm laughing maniacally right now. Instead of finally continuing the current mini comic I hatched a fun idea for reader interaction to celebrate both chapter 1 coming to a close soon, and over a year of Roadkill existing! We'll be doing an art contest - more specifically, a 'Draw This In Your Style' contest! You have from today (Thursday, October 19th) until 4:30 PM CST next week (Thursday, October 26th) to redraw in your own art style any of the following:
- Any panel of the main comic OR mini comics
- Any drawing in the Gallery
- The cover art
Your submission is free to change aspects of the scene to fit your style, edit the character designs to include headcanons, include multiple panels, or even use alternate designs (human/furry designs, animal designs, etc)! Submissions must be colored and you may only submit once. To submit your DTIYS entries you can send them in the #contest-entries channel in the discord server. If you aren't in the server, you can DM me on Instagram to submit your art. In your submissions on Discord make sure to add how you'd like to be credited! The three winners of the contest will be announced on this blog soon after the contest's end date. Winners will get the following prizes:
- Third place: A custom colored role in the discord server OR a simple doodle request
- Second place: A custom colored role in the discord server OR a simple doodle request & an art request
- First place: A custom colored role in the discord server OR a simple doodle request, an art request, and a requested character in chapter 2 with a small speaking role
All contest entries will also be put on the characters' Toyhouse pages (unless requested not to by the submitter). That's really all there is to it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the Discord server or in Instagram DMs. Have fun! :D
10/18/2023 - Gallery Update
Nothing really special here. I updated the art gallery! I removed all the shitposty doodles and instead decided to leave only the higher quality art. I also added some recent art I did. If you still want the silly doodles, join the Discord server, I post them in a dedicated art channel :3
10/07/2023 - Mini Comics
Hey. Notice something new on the front page? That's right! I finally made a mini comic! The minis will take place around 1 year before the events of the main story. So yes, they're all canon. There's a few characters that will only be seen in the minis and not in the main story - one of them being featured in today's mini :3. There's also no specific schedule for these, I really just write them whenever I want, and they'll all just be short stories that last maybe 10 pages at most. I hope yall enjoy them!
9/11/2023 - Hiatus End
Happy 9/11 everybody. The hiatus is over! I also finally found a fix to making the pages smaller without losing a significant amount of quality. All the pages have been fixed!!! Yay!!!! That's all.
8/28/23 - Hiatus
Hello! So, some of you may have noticed that occasionally there's been no updates on scheduled update days. Usually this is due to my own lack of motivation to draw that day. While I love making this comic, burnout is pretty inevitable when you're drawing two pages every week, on top of focusing on work, commissions, and other personal projects. I decided that it's for the best that Roadkill goes on a short hiatus to give me some time to focus on my personal life and regain my motivation to work on it. I'm not sure when the hiatus will end, but it shouldn't last more than a few weeks, and I'll post another blog when I decide to get back to work on the comic. Thank all of you for being so patient with me, the fact that I have any sort of fanbase, even though it's small, has really helped me feel more confident in working on this project :)
8/19/23 - Image update
I've gotten a few complaints about the image quality in the Discord server and it's pretty unanimous that everybody would prefer higher quality images even if it means having to scroll more to see the full page. So, I did exactly that! While I couldn't update all of them, pages 11 through 19 have been changed to higher quality versions. The only real issue at the moment is that they're REALLY big, and again, you'll need to scroll to see the full page. I haven't been able to figure out a fix for this without sacrificing image quality (newbie coding stuff), but once I do, I plan to fix it ASAP. Until then, you can just open the image in a new tab to see it in full, LOL. It might be a bit inconvenient, but at least the text is legible now. Well, as legible as my messy handwriting can get. Hopefully this will work a lot better for everyone!
7/30/23 - Some updates + New posting schedule
Hi! So if you follow me on my main art Instagram, you'll notice that I haven't been active at all in a while. Well, the reason for this is that I decided to delete Instagram entirely. I made a whole blog post about why I hate using the site. Not to mention that I don't wanna keep giving my data to the Zuck. The comic will still be updated regularly on this website!
I also decided to change the posting schedule. Once a week is obviously manageable, but very slow, especially with only one page per update. That's why I decided that from now on, I'll be updating twice a week on Mondays and Fridays! This is really the most manageable schedule for me with work and stuff and gives me plenty of break time in between new pages. So, yeah! That's about it! The comic will be coming off hiatus tomorrow!
7/25/23 - Birthday!!!
OK so I know this isnt directly related to the comic buuuut... today's my 18th birthday, I'm an adult now! I'm so excited! I made some minor edits to the site to reflect this but that's about it. Also, next week Roadkill is coming off of hiatus! :3 I've been considering bumping it up from a once-a-week update schedule to a twice-a-week one, to make the story go faster mostly, so stay tuned for updates on that! :3 Hope u all have a great day! Ur legally obligated to buy me something!
7/22/23 - Instagram sucks
So I'm over here, drinking my caramel frappe from Starbucks, remembering i scheduled a post about this exact thing on Instagram at like 2AM last night, but I'm still gonna make this blog entry just to go into a bit more detail 'bout it. Basically Instagram continues to suck so I'm very heavily considering moving the comic to this site entirely and just abandoning the IG account. I'm sick and tired of how IG treats its users and keeps fucking itself over. It started with fucking up the feed, then forcing everyone to post videos as reels, then they fucked up all the functionality of hashtags. Basically everything they're doing is just the Zuck's way of collecting more data and pushing more algorithmic bullshit :/ and now I'm hearing that they've apparently started banning a shit ton of users for like... ABSOLUTELY no reason, and ppl are suspecting that it's mainly targeting users that don't have their face or full name on their profile. Yknow... private info not everyone's comfortable sharing! And yknow, obviously, I have no reason to be sharing that shit on the Roadkill account in the first place, let alone any of my other accounts. Even if that's not the case and it's just coincidence, it wouldn't be the first time IG started wrongfully suspending a bunch of users. It happened to me twice! And if it happens a third time, there's no way I'm coming back on yet another alt, cuz that's just bullshit, ladies and gentlemen. I've had it with Instagram and really just wanna jump ship entirely before they can terminate my account themselves. Up until now Roadkill was the only thing stopping me from doing so, but now that I have this website, I have no reason to not just up and leave already. Anywho... Sorry 'bout this longwinded rant. It's sorta rambley, I know. But I figured that I owe y'all a slightly better explanation for that update post I made. Besides, this blog IS meant for updates. That's all. Seeya.
7/20/23 - Website Launch
HOLY SHIIIIT! After a long long long time period of coding and fixing dumb issues, the website is finally up and ready to be used! I'll basically be using this page as a sort of blog for news, updates, maybe even the occassional fanart feature or silly event - We'll see, but it'll all be related to the comic in some way, so check this page often if you want regular updates :)
My birthday is in 5 days as of writing this so it honestly couldn't come at a better time. Sure the website is basic, but HOLY SHIT i taught myself HTML, how cool is that?! I hope y'all enjoy this silly little website! I'd appreciate if y'all would share this site instead of the Instagram from now on.